Act no. | Краткое название |
1 | Post Office Amendment Act, 1978 |
2 | Radio Amendment Act, 1978 |
3 | Expropriation Amendment Act, 1978 |
4 | Fencing Amendment Act, 1978 |
5 | Armaments Development and Production Amendment Act, 1978 |
6 | Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, 1978 |
7 | Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation Act, 1978 |
8 | Bophuthatswana Border Extension Act, 1978 |
9 | Sugar Act, 1978 |
10 | Mental Health Amendment Act, 1978 |
11 | Health Donations Fund Act, 1978 |
12 | Bantu Laws Amendment Act, 1978 (до 1978 г.) Black Laws Amendment Act, 1978 (после 1978 г.) |
13 | Bantu Homelands Citizenship Amendment Act, 1978 (до 1978 г.) Black States Citizenship Amendment Act, 1978 (с 1978 по 1980 гг.) National States Citizenship Amendment Act, 1978 (после 1980 г.) |
14 | Police Amendment Act, 1978 |
15 | Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1978 |
16 | Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1978 |
17 | Judges' Remuneration and Pensions Amendment Act, 1978 |
18 | Second-hand Goods Amendment Act, 1978 |
19 | Community Development Amendment Act, 1978 |
20 | Slums Amendment Act, 1978 |
21 | Housing Amendment Act, 1978 |
22 | Nuclear Installations (Licensing and Security) Amendment Act, 1978 |
23 | National Study Loans and Bursaries Amendment Act, 1978 |
24 | South African Teachers' Council for Whites Amendment Act, 1978 |
25 | National Education Policy Amendment Act, 1978 |
26 | Additional Appropriation Act, 1978 |
27 | Provincial Finance and Audit Amendment Act, 1978 |
28 | Community Councils Amendment Act, 1978 |
29 | Tour Guides Act, 1978 |
30 | Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1978 |
31 | Rural Coloured Areas Amendment Act, 1978 |
32 | Registration of Vendors Act, 1978 |
33 | Coloured Development Corporation Amendment Act, 1978 |
34 | Irrigation Districts Adjustment Amendment Act, 1978 |
35 | Part Appropriation Act, 1978 |
36 | Alteration of Provincial Boundaries Act, 1978 |
37 | Railways and Harbours Appropriation Act, 1978 |
38 | National Roads Amendment Act, 1978 |
39 | Post Office Appropriation Act, 1978 |
40 | Pension Laws Amendment Act, 1978 |
41 | Designated Neighbouring Countries Act, 1978 |
42 | Admission of Persons to the Republic Regulation Amendment Act, 1978 |
43 | Group Areas Amendment Act, 1978 |
44 | Mining Rights Amendment Act, 1978 |
45 | National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act, 1978 |
46 | Atomic Energy Amendment Act, 1978 |
47 | Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Act, 1978 |
48 | Moratorium Amendment Act, 1978 |
49 | Defence Amendment Act, 1978 |
50 | Nursing Act, 1978 |
51 | Medical Schemes Amendment Act, 1978 |
52 | Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1978 |
53 | South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1978 |
54 | Offices of Profit under the Republic Amendment Act, 1978 |
55 | Financial Relations Amendment Act, 1978 |
56 | Secret Services Account Act, 1978 (до 1993 г.) Secret Services Act, 1978 (после 1993 г.) |
57 | Patents Act, 1978 |
58 | Prisons Amendment Act, 1978 |
59 | Companies Amendment Act, 1978 |
60 | Estate Agents Amendment Act, 1978 |
61 | Diplomatic Privileges Amendment Act, 1978 |
62 | Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 1978 |
63 | Civil Aviation Offences Amendment Act, 1978 |
64 | Railways and Harbours Acts Amendment Act, 1978 |
65 | Church Square, Pretoria, Development Amendment Act, 1978 |
66 | Co-ordination of Housing Matters Act, 1978 |
67 | Bantu Education Amendment Act, 1978 (до 1978 г.) Black Education Amendment Act, 1978 (после 1978 г.) |
68 | University of Durban-Westville Amendment Act, 1978 |
69 | Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act, 1978 |
70 | Cape Town Foreshore Amendment Act, 1978 |
71 | University of Stellenbosch (Private) Amendment Act, 1978 |
72 | Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (Private) Amendment Act, 1978 |
73 | Water Amendment Act, 1978 |
74 | Sale of Land on Instalments Amendment Act, 1978 |
75 | Regulation of Monopolistic Conditions Amendment Act, 1978 |
76 | Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Amendment Act, 1978 |
77 | National Welfare Amendment Act, 1978 |
78 | Trade Practices Amendment Act, 1978 |
79 | Criminal Procedure Matters Amendment Act, 1978 |
80 | Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1978 |
81 | Attorneys Amendment Act, 1978 |
82 | Liquor Amendment Act, 1978 |
83 | South African Indian Council Amendment Act, 1978 |
84 | Coloured Persons Representative Council Amendment Act, 1978 |
85 | Standards Amendment Act, 1978 |
86 | Fishing Industry Development Act, 1978 |
87 | Forest Amendment Act, 1978 |
88 | University of the Western Cape Amendment Act, 1978 |
89 | Appropriation Act, 1978 |
90 | Judges' Pensions Act, 1978 |
91 | Judges' Remuneration Act, 1978 |
92 | Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 1978 |
93 | Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1978 |
94 | Finance Act, 1978 |
95 | Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1978 |
96 | Electoral Laws Amendment Act, 1978 |
97 | Bantu (Urban Areas) Amendment Act, 1978 (до 1978 г.) Blacks (Urban Areas) Amendment Act, 1978 (после 1978 г.) |
98 | Copyright Act, 1978 |
99 | Protection of Businesses Act, 1978 |
100 | National Welfare Act, 1978 |
101 | Income Tax Act, 1978 |
102 | Second Bantu Laws Amendment Act, 1978 (до 1978 г.) Second Black Laws Amendment Act, 1978 (после 1978 г.) |
103 | Sales Tax Act, 1978 |
104 | Bureau for State Security Act, 1978 |
105 | Second Pension Laws Amendment Act, 1978 |
106 | Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1978 |
107 | Fund-raising Act, 1978 |
108 | University of the Orange Free State (Private) Amendment Act, 1978 |
109 | Publications Amendment Act, 1978 |
110 | Social and Associated Workers Act, 1978 (до 1989 г.) Social Work Act, 1978 (с 1989 по 1999) Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (после 1999 г.) |
111 | Methodist Church of Southern Africa (Private) Act, 1978 |